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How To Edit The WordPress Footer: Step-by-step Guide


WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world, with millions of websites powered by this platform. One of the advantages of WordPress is the ability to customize your website’s design and functionality through various themes and plugins. However, many website owners overlook the importance of the footer section. The footer may seem like a minor element of a website, but it plays a crucial role in providing information, improving navigation, and enhancing user experience.

The WordPress footer is the section that appears at the bottom of every page on your website. It typically includes information such as copyright notices, links to important pages, and sometimes widgets that can provide additional functionality. Editing the footer allows you to customize this section to fit your specific needs, whether it’s adding your logo or changing the color scheme. Additionally, you can add widgets to the footer to provide more information or functionality to your users, such as social media links, newsletter signups, or recent posts.

In this blog post, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to edit the WordPress footer, along with some reasons why you may want to do so. We’ll also explore some of the widgets you can add to the footer to enhance its functionality and design. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced WordPress user, this guide will help you improve your website’s footer and provide a better user experience for your visitors.

What Is A WordPress Footer?

The WordPress footer is a section that appears at the bottom of every page on your website. It serves as a space for displaying information that is important but may not necessarily fit in the main content area of the page. The footer is typically divided into columns, each containing links, Footer Widgets In WordPress, or other elements.

The footer section can include a wide range of information and design elements. It can include links to important pages such as the About Us, Contact, or Privacy Policy pages. The footer can also display copyright notices, disclaimer information, and other legal information that your visitors may need to know. Some website owners also use the footer to display their logo or other branding elements.

One of the primary functions of the WordPress footer is to improve navigation on your website. By including links to important pages in the footer, visitors can quickly find the information they need without having to scroll through the entire website. This can help reduce bounce rates and improve the overall user experience.

Another important function of the footer is to provide additional functionality to your website. Widgets can be added to the footer to provide users with access to important information or functionality. For example, you can add a search bar, social media links, or a newsletter signup form to the footer. These widgets can help increase engagement and encourage users to stay on your website for longer periods.

Overall, the WordPress footer is an important element of your website’s design and functionality. It provides a space for important information and can improve navigation and user experience. By customizing your footer and adding widgets, you can create a more functional and visually appealing website that meets the needs of your visitors.

Why Edit The WordPress Footer?

Editing the WordPress footer has several benefits.

Firstly, it allows you to personalize your website and make it unique. You can add custom content such as social media links, a newsletter signup form, or a map of your physical location. This not only adds value to your website but also makes it more memorable for users.

Secondly, the footer can improve the user experience by providing additional navigation options. You can add links to popular pages, categories, or recent posts, making it easier for users to find what they’re looking for. This can increase the time users spend on your website and reduce bounce rates.

Thirdly, editing the footer can help you achieve your website’s goals. For example, if your website is focused on lead generation, you can add a CTA button or a form in the footer. This encourages users to take action and helps you convert them into leads.

Lastly, a well-designed footer can improve the overall aesthetics of your website. By using design elements such as colors, typography, and spacing, you can make your footer visually appealing and engaging.

How To Edit The WordPress Footer?

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of editing the WordPress footer, let’s dive into the process. The following steps will guide you on how to edit the WordPress footer.

Step 1: Access the Footer Editor

To access the footer editor, you need to log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Appearance > Customize. This will open the WordPress Customizer.


Step 2: Select the Footer Section

In the Customizer, you’ll see several options on the left-hand side. Click on the Footer tab to access the footer settings.

select the footer section

Step 3: Choose a Footer Layout

Depending on your WordPress theme, you may have several footer layout options to choose from. Select the layout that best fits your needs.

Step 4: Customize the Footer Content

Once you’ve chosen a footer layout, you can customize the content by adding or removing widgets. To do this, click on the Widgets option under the Footer tab.


Step 5: Add or Remove Widgets

In the Widgets section, you’ll see a list of available widgets. To add a widget, simply drag and drop it into the desired footer area. To remove a widget, click on it and select the Remove option.


Step 6: Edit Widget Settings

Each widget has settings that you can edit. To access these settings, click on the widget you want to edit, and its settings will appear on the right-hand side.

Step 7: Save Changes

Once you’ve customized the footer to your liking, click on the Save & Publish button in the Customizer to save your changes.


Popular Widgets That You Can Add To The Footer

WordPress widgets are powerful tools that can enhance the functionality and design of your website. They can be added to various sections of your website, including the footer. The footer section can be an excellent place to include widgets that provide additional functionality and improve user experience. In this section, we will explore some of the widgets you can add to your WordPress footer.

  • Social Media Links

Social media is an essential part of digital marketing, and including social media links in the footer can help increase engagement and build a strong online presence. Social media links can be added to the footer using a simple text widget or a plugin. Some plugins even allow you to display your latest social media posts in the footer.

  • Newsletter Signup Form

A newsletter signup form in the footer can help you grow your email list and stay in touch with your audience. You can use plugins like Mailchimp or Constant Contact to create custom signup forms and display them in the footer. This can help increase engagement and keep your visitors up to date on your latest news and offers.

  • Recent Posts

Including a list of recent posts in the footer can help visitors find new and interesting content on your website. This can encourage visitors to stay on your website for longer periods and reduce bounce rates. You can use a plugin like Recent Posts Widget Extended to add this functionality to your footer.

  • Contact Information

Adding your contact information, including your address, phone number, and email address, can help visitors get in touch with you quickly and easily. This can help build trust and credibility with your audience. You can use a simple text widget to add this information to your footer.

  • Search Bar

A search bar in the footer can help visitors find the information they need quickly and easily. This can improve navigation and reduce bounce rates. You can use a plugin like Ivory Search or Ajax Search Lite to add this functionality to your footer.

  • Copyright Notice

Including a copyright notice in the footer is an essential element of any website. This lets visitors know that your content is protected and helps prevent plagiarism. You can use a simple text widget to add this information to your footer.

  • Navigation Menu

Adding a navigation menu to the footer can improve navigation and make it easier for visitors to find the information they need. This can reduce bounce rates and improve user experience. You can use the built-in WordPress menu system to create Custom Menu in WordPress Themes and add them to the footer.

  • Related Posts

Displaying related posts in the footer can help visitors find more content on your website that is relevant to their interests. This can encourage visitors to stay on your website for longer periods and reduce bounce rates. You can use a plugin like YARPP or Jetpack to add this functionality to your footer.

Adding widgets to your WordPress footer can enhance the functionality and design of your website. By including social media links, newsletter signup forms, recent posts, contact information, search bars, copyright notices, navigation menus, and related posts, you can create a more engaging and user-friendly website that meets the needs of your visitors. Be sure to choose widgets that are relevant to your website’s goals and audience, and test their performance regularly to ensure they are working effectively.


Editing the WordPress footer allows you to personalize your website, improve functionality, and enhance the overall design. By following the step-by-step guide we’ve provided, you can easily customize your footer to fit your needs. Don’t forget to experiment with different widgets and design elements to make your footer stand out. With a well-designed footer, especially when using WordPress Elementor themes, you can provide a better user experience and achieve your website’s goals.

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