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11 Common WordPress Theme Issues with Solutions

common wordpress theme issues

WordPress is one of the most popular website platforms in the world, used by millions of people to create blogs, portfolios, business websites, and more. One of the key advantages of WordPress is its flexibility, which allows users to customize their sites with ease through the use of themes. WordPress themes can transform the look and feel of a website, and provide a range of features and functionality.

However, with this flexibility comes some common issues that can arise when working with WordPress themes. These issues can be frustrating for users, and may impact the performance and functionality of their websites.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common issues that users encounter when working with WordPress themes, and provide tips and solutions to help overcome these challenges. Whether you’re a seasoned WordPress user or just starting out, this article will provide valuable insights into how to get the most out of your WordPress themes issues.

Common Errors of WordPress Theme with Solutions

Below is a wide selection of the most common WordPress theme issues and provides instructions on addressing each.

1. Customization and Updated Features Are Missing

You can personalize your theme in two ways. Utilizing either the Gutenberg editor or any builder or editing the main program file, you can alter the look of your theme. However, if you decide to edit the main program file, your modifications will be lost when you update your theme. On the other hand, customizing through an editor will keep the changes, so you don’t have to stress over updating. Therefore, if you have already changed your theme, wait to update it, as it will erase all the adjustments.

Solution: To ensure your customizations remain intact, create a child theme of the existing one and make the necessary changes there. Once you have done that, take the time to learn how to update WordPress properly without losing your customizations. This way, you can be sure that your work won’t be lost.

2. Toggles, Accordions, Slides, And Image Hovers Poor Functioning:

Many themes utilize image hovers, accordions, toggles, and tabs with the help of JavaScript/JQuery. If you have been having trouble with any of these lately, it is likely due to a JavaScript issue. It could be interrupting the proper functioning of your theme or preventing the features mentioned from working as they should.


  • Start troubleshooting the issue by turning off all the plugins you have installed.
  • Clear your browser’s cache and then refresh the page.
  • Begin to enable the plugins back individually to find the one causing the problem. Once you have identified it, you can look for an alternative plugin that will provide the same features but could take some time to find.

You can also look for a bundle of plugins that will improve the functionality of your website.

3. Syntax/ Parse Error

Although it can be annoying to figure out why a parse or syntax error occurred, the benefit is that it indicates the problem and where it happened. Generally, this type of error is associated with an issue within the functions.php file of your website’s code.

A clear-cut message appears instead of loading the page, which explains the problem and the location. Below is an example:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘;,’ expecting ‘” or’)’ in /storage/ssd3/027/5198027/public_html/wp-content/themes/twenty-sixteen/functions.phponline456 

Solution: To resolve the issue, you must use SFTP to gain access to the required file. FileZilla is a opensource and free utility that can use for this purpose. All you need to do is provide the SFTP authorizations given to you by the website host. Once inside the site’s backend, you can locate the file causing the problem. Suppose the functions.php file is the present theme. You must open the theme’s folder and right-click on functions.php to select View/Edit.

By examining the Parse error notification, we can pinpoint exactly which line of code is causing the issue. Once we have located the specific sequence, we can make the necessary corrections, such as the missing parenthesis. After saving the file, we can upload it to the server and replace the existing one with the updated version. It should solve the problem, and our website should normally function again.

4. HTTP 404 Error:

A 404 error typically appears when the server cannot find your request. If you have mistyped the web address, the link you are trying to access is correct, but the administrator has made an error when setting up the permalink, or the page you seek for is unavailable. To ensure your visitors have a pleasant experience, it may be necessary to configure a 404 page in WordPress that can provide helpful information.

Solution: Verify the address you typed in. Look for any errors and correct them. Additionally, try emptying the cache and ensuring your network connection is stable.

5. WSoD (White Screen of Death)

The White Screen of Death (WSoD) is one of WordPress users’ most feared and mysterious issues. This issue causes the contents of a website to be replaced by a plain, white page, giving zero error alerts or clues as to what caused it. Fortunately, there are many different approaches to try and solve this problem.

Solution: You can try several different approaches to resolve this problematic issue. Below are some of them:

  • Plugin Disable: The best way to troubleshoot WSoD, which is to try disabling all plugins to notice if that resolves the issue, as it is likely that a faulty plugin is a cause.
  • Theme disable: Try using SFTP to restore your current theme with the WordPress’s default themes to see if this resolves the issue.
  • Started Debugging Mode In WordPress: This feature is helpful as it allows you to identify errors on every webpage, which assist to determine the source of the White Screen of Death.
  • Cache Purging: Finally, if you continue to experience the WSoD after fixing the issue, it could be because your website’s caching system shows you old files. To ensure you’re looking at the most up-to-date information, it’s a good idea to clean up the cache and monitor if that determines the issue.
  • Increasing The Memory Threshold: Your website may have exceeded its allocated memory limit. You can increase the amount of memory available by modifying the php.ini file.

6. Sample Information Import Error:

This error usually occurs when the system attempts to load posts that do not exist. It can also happen if the necessary files are not available when needed. If this sample data error occurs, you will see a similar page. It can arise when importing and exporting products for WooCommerce. However, it can be easily remedied by following a few simple steps.


  • Check if the theme you are using is active or not. If it is inactive, activate it or change it.
  • Make sure the files you are trying to import are accessible.
  • If they are not, change their access level, which should fix the sample data import error.

If you are having trouble loading media, ensure that the images you are attempting to employ are available. Also, confirm that the box labeled ‘download and import all attachments’ is checked. You should contact your website designer for assistance if this needs to be clarified.

7. Database Connection Error:

If you experience a “Error Establishing a Database Connection” error, your WordPress website is likely unable to access the record where its database is stored. It comprises the user data, posts, and pages. The cause of this issue is often a file on the website called wp-config.php which comprises the information about your database. If this misconfigures the file, it can block the database connection, resulting in an error.

Solution: To fix “Error Establishing a Database Connection” in WordPress, you can access your site’s wp-config.php file in the source file. Right-click on the folder and pick Edit/View to verify that the records in the folder are accurate.

If you need help, you can open the phpMyAdmin to find the precise specifics and replace them. If the issue persists, you can initiate WordPress’ automated folder optimization device to restore damaged files by inserting the subsequent connection to the wp-config.php file.

define (‘WP_ALLOW_REPAIR’, true);

Once the file has been saved and uploaded to the site, you can access the repair tool by going to the URL in your web browser.

Click one of the keys to launch the repair process. The page should reload after completing, and get the confirmation message that you successfully fix the database. Once it is complete, you should no longer experience the connectivity error. Ensure to delete the line WP_ALLOW_REPAIR from wp-config.php once you’re all finished.

8. Disappeared Stylesheet

Another issue that WordPress users may need help with is theme installation failure. While installing a sophisticated and fully-equipped theme can be thrilling, seeing an error message of this kind can be disheartening. On the positive side, there is a fix for this difficulty. 

Solution: To locate the theme folder on your desktop, open file explorer and search for the folder. If it zips, unzip it and open it. When it opens the folder, the files should be visible. The theme may be in a sub-directory if the files are not visible. Look for a database with a similar name as the theme. Once you locate the folder, zip it and upload it via WordPress or the unzipped folder via FTP.

9. Poor Structure URL:

WordPress typically assigns unintuitive and uninformative names to the pages of your website, like This link could be more user-friendly and indicate the page’s content. Poor URL framework also hurts your website’s search engine optimization.

It refers to an Ugly URL Structure, well, it is undeniable that WordPress is an excellent platform. However, its default URL structure needs to meet expectations. Fortunately, it is easy to address this problem and ensure your SEO is unaffected. Make sure to address this issue quickly by taking advantage of the available solutions.

Solution: Navigate to the settings section of your website and search for the Permalinks option. Then, select the ‘Post Name’ option or any other choice that may work for you. That’s all you need to do!

10. Connection Time Out Error:

The ‘connection timed out’ error appears by a server cannot load a website. It could be because the website needs more resources or another uses less of the server’s resources. It could also be due to the website exceeding its highest acceptable bandwidth. If this inaccuracy occurs frequently, upgrading your hosting plan to improve the server’s performance may be necessary. 

Solution: Upgrading to a more advanced plan can prevent your website from slowing down or going offline if other websites experience a sudden spike in traffic. Make sure to optimize the website for pace, remove plugins that take up too many resources, and verify that the WordPress theme supports your performance. Additionally, consider raising the PHP memory threshold.

11. Maintenance Mode in a Block State

Maintenance method is a tool that automatically suspends your website while it undergoes updates. It prevents potential issues arising from people trying to access the site during the updating process. Usually, such updates are done so swiftly that they go unnoticed, but if the updating process is aborted before completion, the site may remain trapped in maintenance way.

Solution: This issue is quite simple; all that needs to be done is to open up your SFTP again and go to your site’s root directory. Then, you should delete the maintenance file, which activated the maintenance mode. Once you remove this, your site will revert to its normal state. Nevertheless, you will have to try the update again since the error indicates that it did not complete.


Knowing the potential causes of WordPress errors can be a great asset when troubleshooting. By understanding the familiar sources of WordPress errors, you can better prepare to address them when they occur and take the necessary steps to prevent them from happening. Additionally, it’s essential to be aware that WordPress updates over time, so some of the solutions may need to be updated and no longer work with the latest version.

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